Hoof Builders Video Library
The video library subscription gives you access to more than 200 educational hoof building videos, with new videos added monthly and specific requests welcomed.
Topics covered range from the fundamentals of hoof building through to healing pathologies, transitioning out of steel shoes, and how to assess and trim with respect to conformation, all demonstrated on a wide variety of horses.
All video library subscribers are invited to join our private Facebook group “Hoof Builders”. Subscriptions are available in monthly or yearly payments, cancel anytime.
** Please note all pricing is in USD **
Hoof Builders Facebook Group
All video library subscribers are invited to join our private group “Hoof Builders” as ‘observers’, where you can study hundreds of photo albums, read David’s feedback and mark ups, and watch monthly live trims with David.
Subscribers who are wanting more support can upgrade their membership to be a ‘contributor’ ($15 USD/month, in addition to the video library subscription). Contributors can create albums for their horse/s in the group, and receive ongoing advice, mark-ups and support from David and his small team.
‘Hoof Builders’ is an inclusive community, with members ranging from beginner owner trimmers through to seasoned professionals. The group is carefully moderated to ensure consistency of information and a safe environment.
The Hoof Builders Video Library has over 150 videos, carefully organised into easy to follow categories and playlists. Topics include the fundamentals of hoof building, healing pathologies, transitioning out of steel shoes, and more. New videos are added monthly, and subscribers also gain access to our private Facebook group. ** Prices are in USD ** Please note that currency conversions are fluid, and payments will vary slightly depending on the conversion rate at the time of the charge.
Preview Videos
PREVIEW - Floating the Wear Pattern
PREVIEW - Shaping the Frog
Meet The Hoof Builders Team
Please use a currency converter to check the pricing in your local currency. Please note that currency conversions are always fluid, and the monthly or annual payments will vary slightly depending on the conversion rate at the time of the charge.
The Hoof Builders Facebook group is open to all current video library subscribers. The link can be found on the video library home page, or by searching Hoof Builders on Facebook.
The option to become a contributor is available on the home page of the video library. Contributors must already be video library subscribers, and maintain both subscriptions to stay contributors.
The video library is designed to be accessible for all levels of hoof trimming skills and experience. We have a wide range of subscribers from complete beginner owner trimmers through to seasoned professionals, and everyone is able to learn something from all the videos on offer.
The video library subscription can be cancelled at anytime without occurring any additional fees. You will continue to have access to the video library and facebook group up until the end of the one month period from your last payment.
If you would no longer like to be an active contributor, you can cancel the contributor subscription at anytime. If you retain the video library subscription, you will be able to remain in the facebook group as an observer. If you cancel both subscriptions, you will lose access to the videos and facebook group at the end of one month from your last payment.