Sweet Marie (2000 Arab Mare)
We’ve had her since she was 4. She came in shoes, and tripped quite a bit. The vet diagnosed her with suspensory ligament issues from pasterns that were “too long.” He said the condition would deteriorate. We pulled her shoes at 5 years old and she stopped tripping when her feet were shaped up. She’s as sound at 23 as she ever was. She is amazing. She’s the top boss of our herd, but she isn’t a benevolent leader. She rules with fear. She is very difficult to ride unless you ask for things properly, and she is strong willed and will put up an everlasting fight against something she doesn’t like. She has been my motivation for learning how to be a better rider.
Marie’s gift is tireless self expression…learning to listen to a horse’s opinion. She also taught us that the remedy for tripping and suspensory issues is soft tissue development.
Marie has been on a 1-3 week trim schedule 17 years.