Dante (2004 Arab Gelding)
He is Marie’s son. We got them both when she was 4 and he was 4 months old. He was cow hocked and sickle hocked in the hinds with severely broken forward pastern angles. On the front, he had one “Z” leg with a broken back pastern angle but the other leg was perfect. Those issues have improved over time. We registered him with the name, Salm of Charouleau. Salm is the star in the constellation that represents Pegasus’ foot. He does have one front foot that is easier to keep in balance than the others, but I still had to learn how to keep all 4 feet at their best. He is a floating dream to ride and a maintenance nightmare to keep balanced.
He is absolutely a gift, and he taught us that the fix for bad conformation is soft tissue development.
Dante has been on 1-3 week trims for 16 years.