Zimariah (1998 Arab Mare)
We’ve had her since she was 8 years old. She came with severe PTSD and extremely neglected feet ( severe high/low ). The previous owner told us that she had been trimmed once and it was under sedation. She had knots and bumps from her poll to her dock and she was highly reactive and fearful of her own shadow. The previous owner also told us that she would eventually either kill herself or a human. After a few years of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual ( PMES ) rehab, we realized through the process that one of her gifts was healing broken people. She worked as a therapy horse for at risk kids, teaching them to trust by giving them halterless leading and bridleless riding lessons.
Her gift is resilience and compassion. She also came with the lesson that the fix for high/low syndrome is soft tissue development.
Zim has been on 1-3 week trims for 16 years .